Expert Trainers Academy


Advanced Diploma in Occupational Safety, Health, and Environmental Management (ADOSHEM) is an indigenously developed and the Government of India approved workplace safety and health programme.  ADOSHEM understands that every worker is entitled to work in safe and healthy work environment, but at the same time, it is the duty of every employee to ensure that their action doesn’t create disruption or health hazards to the rest of the workforce.

ADOHSEM course has been made to enhance skills, aptitude, and technical know-how of the candidates on occupational safety and standards as the course content is tailor-made to suit every industry’s specific requirements. Working professionals are educated on industrial hazards, risks, accidental prevention techniques and work hygiene. Since creating awareness on safety audits and health and safety management is critical to prevent unwarranted situation, ADOSHEM has kept these as focal point to create workplace safety. To achieve safe occupational environment, one should have knowledge on risk assessment and management procedures.  Advanced Diploma in Occupational Safety, Health, and Environmental Management (ADOHSEM) ensures that students become proficient in risk assessments and safety management skills.


Training Mode: Online E-Learning



Course Syllabus: 

  • Paper I – International  Management  for  Health  &  Safety  – I
  • Paper 2 – International  Management  for  Health  &  Safety  – II
  • Paper 3 – International Workplace Safety – I
  • Paper 4 – International Workplace Safety – II
  • Paper 5: Environmental  Management


Paper I & Paper 2: 2 hours written exam – 10 questions (no choice) – 100 marks

Paper 3 & Paper 4: 2 hours written exam – 10 questions (no choice) – 100 marks

Paper 5: 1 hour written exam – 8 questions (no choice) – 100 marks

Paper 6: Practical assessment – 100 marks

For registration kindly contact us on

Miss NOURAH : +91 7207026657 (WhatsApp and IMO available)

Miss Farheena: +919030306657 (WhatsApp and IMO available)