Expert Trainers Academy


Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)training ensures that participants gain complete knowledge on food safety management and capable of assessing, monitoring, controlling, and reviewing food safety procedures at workplaces. Food businesses are recommended to take one of our online HACCP training courses if they wish to enhance their food safety standards.

Food safety is an important aspect of those who deal with food. Our food safety courses are conceptualized to train students on food safety procedures, regulations and standard hygiene and pest control practices. Learners can gain necessary knowledge and operational skills for successful food handling business. This course is designed for food safety managers and supervisors belong to retail food business which includes food stalls in markets, grocery stores, farm shops, bakery stalls, supermarkets, butchers, wholesalers, fishmongers and delicatessens.



  • Endorsed by CPD and approved by RoSPA. Matches RSPH / CIEH syllabus.
  • Accepted by Local Authorities &Meets UK / EU Legal requirements


HACCP Level 3 Food Safety training course is aimed at helping learners understand essential aspects of a effective HACCP food safety management system. The course teaches candidates to develop their skills to follow the HACCP panning cycle and help them recognize food safety risks, use adequate control measures and ensure successful functioning of the HACCP program According to the rule, any food business has to ensure that they have an efficient food safety management program in place, following all 7 HACCP principles. Throughout the planning stage of the HACCP program itself, it is the duty of the workplace managers or supervisors to involve themselves and to ensure that employees operate safely and comply with food safety requirements and principles.

This course is also recognized by RoSPA, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, as providing quality and content-approved training. Candidates can use CPD logo as well as RoSPA logo for their career growth.



The course is divided into fifteen accessible, interactive modules and includes an assessment at the end.

  • An Introduction to HACCP – what is food safety management, key terms, what is HACCP, benefits of HACCP and why HACCP is important.
  • HACCP and The Law – food safety legislation, training requirements, enforcing the law and due diligence.
  • HACCP Alternatives – should I use HACCP? Safer Food Better Business, Cook Safe, Safe Catering, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 22000:2005, other national guides and certification schemes.
  • Planning a HACCP System – preparing for HACCP, creating a HACCP plan and HACCP success vs failure.
  • Food Safety Hazards – how contamination applies to HACCP, types of contamination, physical, chemical, microbial and allergenic contamination, top 10 causes of food poisoning and controlling the hazards.
  • Prerequisite Programmers – what are prerequisites? Examples of prerequisites, effective prerequisites and assessing prerequisites.
  • Creating the HACCP System – the 7 principles, creating the HACCP team, HACCP team responsibilities, HACCP team skills, describing the products and ingredients, identifying the products’ uses and consumers, constructing a flow diagram and confirming the flow diagram in the premises.
  • Principle 1: Hazard Analysis – what is hazard analysis? The 3-stage approach, hazard analysis documentation, prerequisites/HACCP and useful contacts.
  • Principle 2: Critical Control Points – what is a control measure? What is a critical control point? Overusing CCPs, decision trees and the Codex Alimentarius Commission decision tree.
  • Principle 3: Critical Limits – what is a critical limit? Critical limit criteria, examples of critical limits and setting critical limits.
  • Principle 4: Monitoring Critical Control Points – what is monitoring? Effective monitoring, types of monitoring, frequency of monitoring and the monitoring plan.
  • Principle 5: Corrective Action – what is corrective action? Levels of corrective action, corrective action procedures, examples of corrective action and product recalls.
  • Principle 6: Verification of the HACCP System – why is verification important? Validation, verification, reviewing the HACCP plan, benefits of reviewing HACCP, HACCP auditing and auditing essentials: data analysis, sampling and testing.
  • Principle 7: Documentation – record keeping, maintaining the HACCP team, maintaining sources of information, maintaining HACCP documentation.
  • Implementing the HACCP System – implementing HACCP, implementation methods, HACCP training, making HACCP visible and confirming completion.


Students are assessed online after the completion of the training. There will be 45 multiple choice questions to answer with a pass mark of 80%. The answers are processed automatically so that students will now their result instantly.

Don’t worry if you don’t score a pass mark. You can study the course material again and write the test till you succeed with no extra charges for the re-exams.