OHSAS 18001 Health & Safety Management System Auditor / Lead Auditor. This IRCA accredited (#A16830) course uses a mixture of discussions and practical exercises to achieve its aims. At the conclusion of this course, successful attendees will have been provided with the knowledge to:
– Understand the OHSAS 18001 standard
– Understand key Health and Safety issues
– Plan an audit against a set of audit criteria
– Successfully execute a management systems audit
– Understand the differences between auditing clause and process approaches
– Create clear, concise and relevant audit reports
– Communicate your report to a client
– Health and Safety Issues
– Risk Management Systems overview
– What to look for in Policy and Planning
– Audit Techniques
– What to look for in Implementation and Operation
– What to look for in Checking and Corrective Action
– Key legislation and regulations
– Practical Exercises and Feedback (The practical exercises are based upon a fictional company. However, the procedures, work instructions and data are typical and could relate to many different enterprises equally. The practical exercises have been carefully designed to focus upon issues that commonly arise during OH&S audits.)

For registration kindly contact us on
Miss NOURAH: +91 7207026657 (WhatsApp and IMO available)
Miss Farheena: +919030306657 (WhatsApp and IMO available)