Expert Trainers Academy


International Diploma in Safety Engineering

fancybox IOSH Accredited Qualification

Against its requirements for Graduate level ‘membership’ (termed as grad-IOSH)

fancybox BCSP Recognized Qualification

– Award of ‘TSP’ designation
– ASP exam exempted, upon fulfilling other requirements

fancybox Qualifi UK Endorsed Qualification

This qualification has been designed by ‘Proftech Leading Institute’ and endorsed by ‘Qualifi’


The time it takes to get IDSE

Result within 15 working days after the exam/s

Certificates (soft copy) within 15 working days for successful professionals in both unit exams

Certificates (hard copy within 10 days (where applicable)


Eligibility Criteria for IDSE

fancybox IOSH accredited Level-3 Qualification

Plus min 3 years’ experience

fancybox  Engineering degree (BE)

Plus min 1-year’ experience

fancybox  A levels or F.Sc.

+ min. 3 years’ experience


Assessment (IDSE)

Online Open Book Non Invigilated (2 Unit Exams)

50 % Passing Marks (Each Unit)

24+2 Hours To Complete Each Exam


IDSE Exam Arrangements

Online from comfort of your home

No help from any person! it must be 100 % your own work

A suitable internet connection is required

No plagiarism (direct copy & paste) accepted; read ``malpractice and plagiarism policy``

Use digital books, internet etc.


About IDSE Closing Interview

Video Interviews

To confirm identity

Questions from unit exam

To ensure it's your own work

Trailing Questions

As per satisfaction of the examiner


Frequently Asked Questions (about IDSE)

Yes, there will be 2 unit exams which will be separately assessed. both units are mandatory.

No, all candidates must submit their answer sheets in English Language.

No. It must be typed in English only.

No. You cannot seek help for typing or any other query related to the exam once your exam time starts.


There will be 2 unit online exams which will be separately assessed. The details of each unit exam is as follows; –

Unit 1

  • Total Marks:150
  • Passing Marks:75 (50%)

Note: A candidate who scores minimum of 70 marks in each unit will be given 5 additional marks to cater for error of judgement of the examiner for a subjective type assessment and the communication barriers inherent with the assessment. The benefit of error is thus provided to the candidate. The result for such candidates will be issued as 70+5*= 75* (5 Grace Marks)

There will be 2 sections in Unit 1 exam i.e. Section “A” and Section “B”.

  • Section “A” will be a long scenario and at the end of scenario, there will be 5 questions related to the scenario. Each question will carry 10 marks. So overall Section “A” will carry 50 Marks.
  • Section “B” will be a 5 short scenarios and at the end of scenario, there will be 1 or 2 questions related to the scenario. Each question will carry 10 or 20 marks. So overall Section “B” will carry 100 Marks.
  • The candidate will need to overall pass in each unit exam and cumulative marks in Section “A” and “B” will be counted for overall marks in each unit.

Unit 2

  • Total Marks:150
  • Passing Marks:75 (50%)

Note: A candidate who scores minimum 70 marks in each unit will be given 5 additional marks to cater for error of judgement of the examiner for a subjective type assessment and the communication barriers inherent with the assessment. The benefit of error is thus provided to the candidate. The result for such candidates will be issued as 70+5*= 75* (5 Grace Marks).

There will be 2 sections in Unit 2 exam i.e. Section “A” and Section “B”.

  • Section “A” will be a long scenario and at the end of scenario, there will be 5 questions related to the scenario. Each question will carry 10 marks. So overall Section “A” will carry 50 Marks.
  • Section “B” will be a 5 short scenarios and at the end of scenario, there will be 2 questions related to the scenario. Each question will carry 10 marks. So overall Section “B” will carry 100 Marks.
  • The candidate will need to overall pass in each unit exam and cumulative marks in Section “A” and “B” will be  counted for overall marks in each unit.

Note: The candidate must pass Unit l and Unit 2 separately.

Total time for each unit exam will be 24 hours. An additional 2 hours will be given as cusion for sending the exam scripts to Proftech Leading Institute either through WhatsApp/email ID. Question papers will be sent from 9:00 am to 10:00 am (Pakistan Standard Time) to all candidates on the exam day. The deadline for the submission will be sharp 11:59 am the next day (Total 26 hours approximately; Pakistan Standard Time). Answer sheets received after 11:59 will be rejected and an intimation to the candidates will be given in this respect.

Total Qualification Time is 370 Hours. You can study at your own pace and once ready, you should get register for the online exams.


The online exams will be conducted 6 times a year on regular basis. The dates for online exams for the whole year will be communicated/published for prospective learners. Unit 1 and Unit 2 exams will be offered with a gap of 24 hours only.


The frequency of exams will be increased/decreased based on the trend for the initial 6 months after the launch of 1st online exam.

There is no formal lecturing for International Diploma in Safety Engineering. It is offered via distance learning mode with online trainer support. The trainer can only provide direction and guidance whereas theme of the qualification is self study and research. If you are not comfortable with self study, then International Diploma in Safety Engineering is not a qualification intended for you.

No. You cannot take help in any form from any person during the course of your exams. You II need to sign a declaration as part of your registration that you the work submitted is 100% your own without any external support by any person in any manner. Please carefully read our Malpractice Policy.

No. You cannot take help related to the exams from any person. Please read our Malpractice policy.


No. As “International Diploma in Safety Engineering (IDSE)” exams will assess the cognitive levels i.e. Apply, Analyse, Evaluate and Create; it II be very unlikely for you to get relevant full answers from google or any other books keeping in view the questions’ requirements in a given scenario. And even if there is some relevant text found on google which can be added in your answer, one cannot directly copy/paste it. The candidate must write their answer in their own words. Any identical content identified through plagiarism software will be dealt as per Malpractice policy.

Yes, Open book exams are neither easy nor difficult than closed book invigilated exams but these are somehow different. You cannot simply copy/ paste from books/ internet sources as you II need to answer in a specific given scenario and your answer must be practical, relevant, Clear, Complete and must have logical progression without conflicting ideas within different answers. So you must have full understanding of the syllabus and all learning outcomes as you II be required to apply your knowledge in a given scenario, analyse a situation or data, evaluate various alternatives and create system, process, procedure, and /or controls for a given problem. It is very unlikely that you II get relevant answer from the books/ internet sources. It is therefore recommended that you get yourself prepared well before the exams.

“Different” is the right word when comparing various exam types. For a given level of study, the exam difficulty level remains the same irrespective of the type of exams however, one may feel comfortable with open book exams while other for closed book exams. You need to decide yourself which exam type is good for you.

You II be sent question paper at your given email ID/ WhatsApp Number between 9:00 am to10:00 am on exam day.


Yes, you can but it is your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of question paper until! you submit your work. No candidate is allowed to share the question paper in either soft/hard format to any other individual/ organization or other entity.

All registered learners will be provided details for submission of answer sheets.


It is solely your responsibility to arrange for a suitable Internet connection. No excuse related to technology failure will be entertained.


You can refer any materials you have access to but you cannot directly copy/paste from those materials. You II need to write your answers in your own words.


Yes, the word count will be mentioned for each unit exam. Overall you must write between 250 to 350 words to answer a question of 10 marks and similarly 500 to 700 words for a question of 20 marks and so on.

Yes, the word count will be mentioned for each unit exam. Overall you must write between 250 to 350 words to answer a question of 10 marks and similarly 500 to 700 words for a question of 20 marks and so on.

We have following measures in place to ensure that no case of malpractice goes unnoticed;

  • Using plagiarism software to ensure all candidates have unique answers with respect to other candidates
    from the same exam day
  • Examiners are well experienced who can detect if the submitted work has been done by 2 or more persons
  • Online Interviews will ensure that the candidates are asked relevant questions from the respective unit
    exams and syllabus to ensure the work submitted tallies with the knowledge and understanding of the

Yes. Your interview will be video recorded for quality assurance purpose.

You must be connected with a video call with the examiner during the whole part of your interview. Audio interview answers will not be accepted.


The process has been explained in the following PFD (Process Flow Diagram)

Step 1:

Candidates apply for registration (Directly or through Marketing Partners)

Step 2:

Your credentials are assessed against eligibility criteria.

Step 3:

You are advised if you are eligible or Not

Step 4:

In case you are eligible, you are asked to pay the fee and sign registration and related forms.

Step 5:

Books and related resource materials are issued to you accordingly

Step 6:

You carry out self study and seek support for online trainer (As required)

Step 7:

Once you are ready, you request an exam date from upcoming exam dates. You can appear in single or both unit exam as per your choice.

Step 8:

You sit for online exam and submit your answers online as per the given instructions.

Step 9:

your work is assessed by examiner/ quality assurance to ensure it is your own work without the help of any other individuals/entities etc.


You II be given a suitable time for interview to ensure that work submitted is your own


Upon satisfaction by the examiners and quality assurance, your result will be issued. In case you qualify both unit exams, your certificates will be processed with the awarding body. In case you fail one or both units, you can resit the respective units’ exams as per your convenience after the payment of resit fee.

Note: In case malpractice is identified at any stage (Marking, interview), a formal letter of suspected malpractice will be sent to the candidate. Malpractice investigation will be carried out as per the policy in vogue.

Interviews will be called for only those candidates who score minimum passing marks in each unit and plagiarism or malpractice have not been suspected. If you score above minimum passing criteria for both unit exams together, you II be interviewed once. If you appear in single unit in one exam date and second unit in next exam date (1-2 months’ gap) then you II be interviewed twice separately for each unit. Those candidates whose score is lower than required passing score will not be interviewed and instead their result notification “Fail” will be issued.

Well in that case, Open book exams followed by an online interview is not a right choice for you. You must look for other options like NVQ diploma etc. For “International Diploma in Safety Engineering” open book exams, you must have English Speaking skills at IELTS 6 or higher (or equivalent in PTE Academics, Toefl etc.) in Speaking.

No. The interviews will be conducted to ensure there have been no malpractices. If examiners are satisfied, you II be issued with the result notification. If examiners believe that submitted work by the candidate does not seem to be his/her own, then notification of suspected malpractice will be issued.

We understand that interviews can be stressful. But you definitely not need to worry if the work submitted was your own without any help/ support from other person/s. We II ensure that these are as pleasant as they could be. Our purpose is to ensure that examination system is credible and we require the support of our candidates to let us reach to the conclusion.

You II not be given a result notification unless you appear for the interviews at given date and time. In case you miss the interview date and time, you II be charged 50$ (Or equivalent amount) for re-arranging your interview. In case you miss again, your result notification will be issued with a “VOID Result”

No. It will be practically impossible for us to let choose all the candidates with the date and time of their choice. However, we II give 5 working days’ advance notice to all candidates regarding their interview date and time.

No. You II not need to memorize anything for the interview. The interviewer will just check your concepts (80% from the specific unit exam content you submitted and 20% from overall understanding about syllabus). You can have your submitted work in printed format with you during the interview and examiner may ask you to explain some of the points you wrote as part of your answers. The examiner may ask the trailing questions to make his/her opinion about the work you submitted is either your own or not.

Print hard copy of your submitted work with page numbers

  • A suitable internet connection which should allow a video call.
  • Zoom or Skype downloaded on your smart phone/ Laptop and you have your user account made already.
    You must test your Zoom or skype account on the network to ensure it does not create any disruptions.

For registration kindly contact us on

Miss NOURAH : +91 7207026657 (WhatsApp and IMO available)
Mr. Affan: : +91 8125607809 (WhatsApp and IMO available)



For Further Information
+91 82972 78016

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